Checking in on my Free Inquiry.

These were my goals:

  1. Increase my current physical activity by at least 10% (physical health)
  2. Practice mindfulness at least 3x a week (mental/spiritual health)
  3. Visit the outdoors more often (This is a vague goal, but any time spent in the outdoors will benefit me, and so it is tacked on and less measurable)


So far, I’ve managed to meet Goal 1 and 3, but fell short of Goal 2.

Goal 1:

For Goal 1, my baseline was 11,120 steps average per day. I road my bike each day, but hadn’t been doing any other additional exercise. Green indicates a hike and red, running.

So, it is clear to see that I began to run more. I’ve been a very active runner in the past with a knee injury that has stopped me. So, I’ve been taking it easy, but still I’ve been getting out and running.

In terms of steps, a 10% increase in steps from my baseline would have been 11,240 steps. Each week following the baseline week had an average step-count higher than 11,240. Success!

Also, I’ve kept up with my biking. I’ve biked to school every day this term. This has been good for my wallet, but definitely also good for my physical fitness and well-being.

Goal 2:

I have not meditated 3x a week. I have, however, begun my meditation practice once more. I’ve meditated 5 times in the last 6 weeks. So, nowhere near my goal, but some is better than none and I will continue to strive for more.

Goal 3:

This was a vague and lofty goal. I have indeed been outside more than previously this term. As an outdoor educator in my recent past and a professional hiking guide, I find it very difficult to be away from the natural world for long periods of time. So, I’ve been hiking a few times and even camping over the Remembrance Day long weekend. I also have been walking in Mystic Vale a few times between classes, and my dog walks have migrated to more nature-y areas, though still within the city.


All said, my biggest finding has been that scheduling does less to help my achieve my goals than simply having goals. I didn’t start scheduling my goals until my second week of this inquiry (the start of my measuring), and even before my scheduling, I was doing more activity. I think this was purly because I had set goals and now had some incentive to go for a run. This is a huge boost in the power of goal setting in my mind.